Get your free Elementor flex grow container template here

You guys know I love building websites in Elementor… But responsive design can be difficult to wrap your head around, especially in the new container. So, if you want to make good responsive websites, then these techniques can be helpful. That’s why I wanted to share this flex grow container template I made so that you can save some time recreating it yourself. Just fill in your email below, and I’ll send them to you via e-mail.

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    Download the template

    You will get a download link when you enter your email in the field above. If you don't get anything, check your spam folder.

    Activate the container

    Since the container isn't fully out of beta yet make sure to activate it before you open the template. In Wordpress to go Elementor > Settings > Experiments > Flexbox container > Active

    Upload the page

    Create a new page and then Edit it with Elementor. Then click on the little folder icon on the canvas to go to your template, from there in the right upper corner there is an upload button. Drag in the template and click on import. That's it!